facebook archive 16
15 September – KC makes a friend – from the Urban Series, #12 16 September – Publix Market: “where shopping is a pleasure” – Orlando, from the Urban Series, #36
17 September – County Fair – from the Urban Series 19 September – Harvest Moon as seen from my backyard.
19 September – Wednesday’s early morning Atlas V rocket launch carrying a military communications satellite into orbit. View a larger image. 29 September – Storm clouds over the beach at sunset.
30 September – Sunset from the beach. 4 October – A female Banana Spider seen this morning at the Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area.
4 October – Two Black Vultures watch the plant survey team move through new conservation land along the Indian River Lagoon – with Janice Broda, David Cox, and Richard H. Baker. 7 October – Some amazing flying skills were shown off this weekend at the Vero Beach Air Show.  Watch some video highlights from Saturday afternoon’s performances.
16 October – Sunset on the beach from last Sunday – with Janice Broda, Bob Bruce, Pepper & Sam. 18 October – On the beach trying to photograph the penumbral lunar eclipse of Friday night’s Hunter’s Moon.  View more photos at LINK
22 October – Attended today’s meeting of the Southeast Florida Scrub Ecosystem Working Group seen here trekking out into the Indrio Savannahs for a close-up look at the scrub habitat there.  See more photos including some very interesting bones. 22 October – Photographed this Bald Eagle skull on display today at Oxbow Eco-Center.  See more bones.
24 October – Walked around the entire ORCA impoundment trail today with Janice Broda and Sam to photograph the facilities for use on the new kiosk signs going up at the trailhead.  Saw lots of Banana Spiders like this one having a fine time dining on all the Bees luckless enough to fly into the web. 3 November – Sunday saw the Sun rise partially eclipsed by the Moon seen here along with passing clouds.  See more photos taken from the beach.
4 November – Another shot of Sunday morning’s sunrise eclipse with the Moon in front of the Sun as seen from the beach just south of Sebastian Inlet State Park.  See more photos taken from the beach. 4 November – The Golden Silk Orb Weaver, more commonly known as the Banana Spider, that lives behind the office at the Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area had just caught a dragonfly when I arrived at work this morning.  After a bit of a struggle she was able to subdue the dragonfly and cocoon it for a future meal.
7 November – Photos of Mr. & Mrs. Golden Silk Spider at home on their web at ORCA can be seen here.  
All contents copyright Lunar Cabin