Endeavour Fly Out
19 September 2012 - Kennedy Space Center
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As the SCA approached it dropped down to 200 feet for the final pass along the SLF. People on the control tower observation deck are ready with their cameras. Not only is this Endeavour's last flight, but it is also the last flight for the SCA, which is being retired immediately after completing this ferry mission.
Note the small T-38 chase plane flying behind and below the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.
The SCA turns westward to start the journey to California. WIthin seconds the pair were lost from sight in the clouds.
The NASA television helicopter made a dramatic high speed pass over the spectators.
With Endeavour gone but not forgotten, the crowd of NASA guests, employees, contractors, military personnel, and just plain space fans all head back to the buses.
NASA astronaut Kay Hire in blue is interviewed by the news media in this distant view taken while walking back to the bus. Hire flew two shuttle missions, the last on Endeavour during STS-130 in February 2010.
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