It was so hazy for the shuttle launch it might as well have been clouded over. Nothing new for Florida in summertime in August. Anyway, the space shuttle Endeavour with a crew of seven lifted off at 6:36 p.m. on 8 August 2007 from Kennedy Space Center on mission STS-118. The main picture shows the vehicle climbing out of the haze while the insets show the solid rocket boosters falling away after separation. While pondering the launch while stuck in the post-launch traffic jam a church sign was observed that read: “Patience is being able to countdown without blasting off!” That says it all.

A NASA press release describes this latest construction mission to the International Space Station:

During the 11-day mission, the crew will add the Starboard 5 (S5) truss segment to the right side of the station's backbone. The segment will provide clearance between sets of solar arrays. The flight will include at least three spacewalks during which the astronauts will install a new gyroscope and external spare parts platform to the station.

Endeavour's mission will debut a new system that enables docked space shuttles to draw electrical power from the station to extend visits to the outpost. If this system functions as expected, three additional days and a spacewalk will be added to the flight.

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