GPS 2F-4 (Atlas V)
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - 15 May 2013

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket lifts Global Positioning System satellite GPS 2F-4 into orbit for the U.S. Air Force on 15 May 2013 at 5:38 p.m. from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

RIGHT: A view of the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center as seen from the Saturn V Center.

BELOW: An Air Force surveillance helicopter buzzes past.

A flock of juvenile White Ibis fly by Space Launch Complex 41where the Atlas rocket waits for launch.

LEFT: Note the white frost covering the copper-colored first stage loaded with liquid oxygen. The bulbous fairing at top contains the GPS satellite.


BELOW: Vultures drifted into camera view during the launch.

The images above have been processed to bring out the colors and shapes in the ever-changing exhaust plume.
After the launch the helicopter flew by again. The man sitting in the doorway with his legs dangling over the side must be enjoying the ride and the view.
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